Sunday, July 25, 2010

EBM di hari bekerja

Dah 2 hari aku keje malam...
nasib baik sempat gak pam SI kejap...
dpt pam 2 0z je tp x pe, at least dpt stimulate balik ..
balik umah pam sambil menyusukan Amin sebelah dpt 5 0z..
then, hari ni aku cuti tapi aku rase B aku cpt berisi..
kalau x sebelum ni bile aku cuti aku rase SI x cukup tok Amin ..
sampai top up gak ngan IF lagi2 kalau Amin makan nasi pon x byk..
tp hari ni bila Amin menyusu je mmg ade let down and susu byk...
kene tingkatkan lagi usaha mengepam ni sbb nampaknya ade hasil...

~ 5 zo EBM~

Domperidone to Increase BM

How to Use Domperidone to Increase Milk Supply
Sometimes, nothing seems to increase breast milk supply. If you have already met with a lactation consultant to correct a baby's latch, drank an ocean of licorice-flavored herbal tea blends, eaten enough fenugreek pills to smell like a pancake restaurant and pumped until your breasts hurt, it may be time to try domperidone. Here's how to use it to increase your supply.

Step 1
Obtain the domperidone pills from a pharmacy. You can do this online if the prices are better or if your local pharmacy does not stock it.

Step 2
Start taking the pills. Take three 10 mg pills three times a day. Spread the dosages throughout your day, like at mealtimes. There is no need to wake up in order to ensure you take them every 8 hours.

Step 3
Continue to breastfeed and/or pump as you normally do. Some mothers notice a difference within a day, but most do by 4 days of this regimen.

Step 4
Take the pills for 3 to 8 weeks. This will give you a chance to see if the domperidone is having a positive effect on your breastmilk supply.

Step 5
Reduce your pill intake by one per day after the trial period. Wait 4 or 5 days, and drop another one until you are off the medication completely or you notice a drop in your milk supply.

How To Increase your BM???


Step 1 ~Verify that the baby is actually getting milk to come out when he is feeding by looking for milk on the breast, around the baby's mouth or in the baby's saliva. If milk isn't flowing out, then it becomes stagnant in the breast and keeps new milk from producing.

Step 2~ Breast-feed at least every two hours. When a baby consumes breast milk, more milk is produced. If milk isn't expressed or consumed, more milk is not produced.

Step 3~ Breast-feed from both breasts. Switch sides if the baby loses interest or falls asleep. Each breast should be fed from at least twice per feeding.

Step 4~ Get lots of rest when you can, eat well and stay hydrated. A mother's health is important when it comes to increasing breast milk supply.

Step 5~ Eat foods that are high in protein or high in calcium. Oatmeal (even in cookies) is an example of food that helps increase breast milk production for some women.

Step 6~ Stimulate breast milk production with an electric breast pump. Expressing milk forces your body to produce more to replenish the supply.
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