Sunday, July 25, 2010

Domperidone to Increase BM

How to Use Domperidone to Increase Milk Supply
Sometimes, nothing seems to increase breast milk supply. If you have already met with a lactation consultant to correct a baby's latch, drank an ocean of licorice-flavored herbal tea blends, eaten enough fenugreek pills to smell like a pancake restaurant and pumped until your breasts hurt, it may be time to try domperidone. Here's how to use it to increase your supply.

Step 1
Obtain the domperidone pills from a pharmacy. You can do this online if the prices are better or if your local pharmacy does not stock it.

Step 2
Start taking the pills. Take three 10 mg pills three times a day. Spread the dosages throughout your day, like at mealtimes. There is no need to wake up in order to ensure you take them every 8 hours.

Step 3
Continue to breastfeed and/or pump as you normally do. Some mothers notice a difference within a day, but most do by 4 days of this regimen.

Step 4
Take the pills for 3 to 8 weeks. This will give you a chance to see if the domperidone is having a positive effect on your breastmilk supply.

Step 5
Reduce your pill intake by one per day after the trial period. Wait 4 or 5 days, and drop another one until you are off the medication completely or you notice a drop in your milk supply.

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